Free Comic Book Day is this Saturday, May 2!
Be sure to visit your local comic book store(s) to pick up some fabulous free comic book offerings, and just to support the industry in general. (Go on, find a little something extra to buy while you're there.)
If you happen to be in Maine, or can get yourself there, be sure to visit Steve Lavigne's Shellback Artworks, where TMNT co-creator Peter Laird will be doing an appearance and signing comic books.
Shellback Artworks
1509 Post Rd
Wells, Maine
Laird will be appearing from 12:00-3:00pm.
And if you do find yourself at Shellback Artworks, Laird and Lavigne will also be selling the previously unpublished TMNT Vol. 4, #31. This means that all of Volume 4 will have finally been published!
Remaining copies will likely go up for sale on the official Mirage website soon after, so watch for news of that sale if you can't make it to the event.
No matter where you go to celebrate Free Comic Book Day, be sure to get to your store early so you can secure your copy of this year's special Free Comic Book Day TMNT comic, Prelude to Vengeance.
If you happen to be in Maine, or can get yourself there, be sure to visit Steve Lavigne's Shellback Artworks, where TMNT co-creator Peter Laird will be doing an appearance and signing comic books.
Shellback Artworks
1509 Post Rd
Wells, Maine
Laird will be appearing from 12:00-3:00pm.

Remaining copies will likely go up for sale on the official Mirage website soon after, so watch for news of that sale if you can't make it to the event.
No matter where you go to celebrate Free Comic Book Day, be sure to get to your store early so you can secure your copy of this year's special Free Comic Book Day TMNT comic, Prelude to Vengeance.
The Turtles’ final battle with Shredder begins here! This book will take us inside the minds of key characters in the TMNT universe, revealing the epic moments that have led to the present, as well as setting the stage for the biggest storyline yet with all new material!Whew! It's going to be a big day for TMNT fans!